Mini-Tab Layout

Mini-Tabs are a layout container that uses a tabbed container to display multiple visualizations and other assets in the same screen real estate. The container features tabs; a single asset can be added to each tab, and a single tab can be displayed at any one time. You can display tabs manually, by clicking on the required tab; or conditionally, by defining actions based on dynamic PQL expressions together with Slicer Actions.

  • Click here to learn about conditional display for mini-tabs

Note: this feature is not available in the Community Edition.

Add Mini-Tabs

To add a mini-tab container to the slide, click the mini-tab button from the canvas menu (red arrow below). The slide will be highlighted blue; click anywhere on the slide to place the container there.

Add and Remove Assets from Mini-Tabs

To add an item to the mini-tabs, drag the required visualization or asset onto the required tab.

To move the asset from the mini-tab container to somewhere else on the canvas, drag it or select it and use the clipboard tools from the Present ribbon or context menu.

To delete an asset from the container, right click on it and select Delete Tab Content from the context menu. Alternatively, right click on the mini-tabs and click Delete Tab to remove the selected tab and its content.

Edit Mini-Tabs

Mini-Tab Context Menu

To access the mini-tab context menu, right click on the mini-tab's borders:

Alternatively, right click on a visual in the mini-tabs; this will present options to expand the mini-tab context menu (blue highlight below) or the visualization context menu (green highlight below):

From the mini-tabs context menu, you can access the following functions:

Add and Delete Tabs

By default, the mini-tab container has 2 tabs. Tabs can be added or deleted via the context menu.

Delete Tab Content

Delete the content item on the currently selected tab.

Edit Tabs

Open the Edit Tabs panel (image below) to edit the settings for the min-tab container.

Mini-Tab Settings

Name: change the name of the mini-tab container.

Tab List

Tab List: add and remove tabs, and change the order of the tabs.

Tab Settings
  • Name: change the name of the given tab.
  • Appearance: show the tab name, and/ or icon.

Tabs Position

Display the tabs at the top or bottom of the container, or hide the tabs. If the tabs are hidden, a new Select Tab option will appear on the context menu; use this to choose which tab to display before launching the presentation in runtime.

If tabs are hidden, you will not be able to change the display in runtime. Instead, you'll need to set up conditional display; in this case the mini-tabs display is driven by a slicer selection.

The tabs position can be set from both the mini-tabs context menu, and the Component ribbon.

  • Click here to learn about conditional display in the mini-tabs tool.

Mini-Tab Settings

When the mini-tab is selected, various formatting options will be enabled from the Component ribbon. As usual, you can edit the panels and the background color. You can also adjust the mini-tab settings (red highlight below).

  • Background: change the color of the tabs.
  • Font: set the font type, size, emphasis, and color for the tab labels.
  • Border Type: set the border for the tabs.
    • Full Box: display a border around the entire visual and its tab.
    • Line Only: display only a line at the bottom of the visual.
    • None: disable the border.
  • Border: set the border color.
  • Stroke: adjust the border width.
  • Tabs Position: as described above, set the position of the tabs to the top or bottom of the container.

Mini-Tabs in Runtime

When the presentation is launched in runtime, you can click through the tabs in the mini-tabs container as required: